Joomla plugin for maxiGos
Plugin version: v2.01, with maxiGos v8.03.
With this plugin, named "maxiGos sgf player content plugin", you can display game of go sgf file content using maxiGos sgf player in a joomla article.
Usage (code to add in your articles):
{gos xxx.sgf} -> displays xxx.sgf content with
maxiGos default configuration (value of "maxigos config" parameter
or "basic" if this parameter is empty).
{gos xxx.sgf,yyy} -> displays xxx.sgf content using maxiGos with the yyy configuration.
If maxigosSgfAsIs parameter value is 1, one can replace the sgf filename by a sgf record:
{gos zzz} -> display zzz sgf record with maxiGos default configuration
{gos zzz,yyy} -> displays zzz sgf record using maxiGos with the yyy configuration.
Note: a sgf record is the content of a sgf file (for instance a string such as "(;GM[1]FF[4]CA[UTF-8]SZ[19]PW[A]PB[B]WR[6d]BR[6d];B[qd];W[dp])")
If the value of the "maxiGos theme" parameter is the default one (i.e. "neo-classic" for the current version of the plugin),
possible configuration values are: "basic", "comment", "diagram", "game", "problem", "tree".
Otherwise, it can be the name of any configuration available
for the theme specified by the "maxigos theme" parameter.
Example (code to add in your articles):
{gos xxx.sgf,comment} -> displays xxx.sgf content in a player with comment{gos xxx.sgf,diagram} -> displays xxx.sgf content as a static figure or diagram
{gos (;GM[1]FF[4]CA[UTF-8]SZ[19];B[cp];)} -> displays sgf record with maxiGos default configuration (if maxigosSgfAsIs parameter value is 1)
{gos (;GM[1]FF[4]CA[UTF-8]SZ[19]EV[Test];B[cp];),game} -> displays sgf record in a player with header (if maxigosSgfAsIs parameter value is 1)
- Note 1: no character allowed between the first curly bracket and 'gos' tag
- Note 2: any number of space, line feed, carriage return ... allowed elsewhere between the curly brackets
- Note 3: no other curly brackets allowed between the curly brackets
- Note 4: HTML tags not allowed between the curly brackets
The procedure below was tested using joomla v3.10.4.
- Click here to download the plugin version 2.01, with maxiGos version 8.03
- Connect to the administration interface of your joomla website
- Install the plugin
- Select "Extension", "Manage", "Install"
- Using "Upload Package File", upload the plugin
- Activate the plugin
- Select "Plugins" in "Extension" menu
- Look for "maxiGos sgf player content plugin"
- Activate the plugin by clicking on its status icone
- The status icone must be green
- Set the value of "SGF folder" plugin parameter
- Select "Plugins" in "Extension" menu
- Look for "maxiGos sgf player content plugin"
- Click on the plugin name (plugin details displays)
- Change "SGF folder" parameter value to the folder path where your store sgf files on your website (relative path between the Joomla root to the folder which contains the sgf files)
- Set other parameter values in case of you feel you need it